Monheim, Germany – September 9th, 2020
SEGGER has just introduced a version of its J-Link software specifically for Linux Arm. Aimed at industrial automation and other applications utilizing Raspberry Pi and other single board computing platforms, this new package contains all command-line versions of the software. It supports the same target devices and the full feature set encompassed in the already-established Windows, macOS and Linux x86 versions. These features include high-speed download into Flash memory and an unlimited number of breakpoints (even in Flash memory), as well as a J-Link GDB server which makes it compatible with all popular development environments.
The software is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit Arm Linux, taking full advantage of the 64-bit CPU and all memory available in the system. It works on Raspberry Pi, as well as the various compatibles that are now on the market. The J-Link SDK also fully supports the writing of custom programs for J-Link on Arm Linux.
“Although it seems very unusual, even unlikely, it is now possible to use a small Raspberry Pi 4 single board computer with the Eclipse for Embedded C/C++ Developers package and the additional xPack binary tools, plus SEGGER’s J-Link debug probe and J-Link software, to create projects, build them and run debug sessions. Amazing!” says Liviu Ionescu, Developer of the Open-Source Eclipse Embedded CDT project.
“Raspberry Pi is gaining more and more popularity as a small, inexpensive yet powerful multi-purpose computing solution. While the typical use is automated test systems, with the Raspberry Pi acting as a J-Link bridge or server in the LAN/WLAN, there are many other applications. With Eclipse Embedded CDT coming, it is possible to use Raspberry Pi and J-Link as hardware to develop, download and debug firmware for embedded devices.” says Rolf Segger, founder of SEGGER.
About Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi was initially designed as an inexpensive way to introduce people to computers and programming, in schools and developing countries. SEGGER’s support for the Pi is in keeping with its philosophy of supporting students and hobbyists. Most of the SEGGER software tools are available at no cost for non-commercial usage under SEGGER’s Friendly License. SEGGER also offers educational versions of the popular J-Link Debug Probe. The J-Link EDU and J-Link EDU Mini are available for educational purposes at minimal cost.
SEGGER Microcontroller has over twenty-five years of experience in Embedded Computer Systems, producing state-of-the-art software libraries, and offering a full set of hardware tools (for development and production) and software tools.
SEGGER provides an RTOS plus a complete spectrum of software libraries including communication, security, data compression and storage, user interface software and more. Using SEGGER software libraries gives developers a head start, benefiting from decades of experience in the industry.
SEGGER’s professional software libraries and tools for Embedded System development are designed for simple usage and are optimized for the requirements imposed by resource-constrained embedded systems. The company also supports the entire development process with affordable, high-quality, flexible, easy-to-use tools.
The company was founded by Rolf Segger in 1992, is privately held, and is growing steadily. SEGGER also has a U.S. office in the Boston area and branch operations in Silicon Valley and the UK, plus distributors on most continents, making SEGGER’s full product range available worldwide.
In short, SEGGER has a full set of tools for embedded systems, offers support through the entire development process, and has decades of experience as the Embedded Experts.
In addition, SEGGER software is not covered by an open-source or required-attribution license and can be integrated in any commercial or proprietary product, without the obligation to disclose the combined source.
Finally, SEGGER offers stability in an often volatile industry making SEGGER a very reliable partner for long-term relationships.
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