San Jose, Calif., October 12, 2012 –Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ: CY), today introduced PSoC Designer™ 5.3, a new version of its Integrated Design Environment (IDE) for the PSoC® 1 Programmable System-on-Chip architecture. The new version includes over 30 new or enhanced User Modules, which are free “Virtual Chips,” represented by an icon, that are used to integrate multiple ICs and system interfaces into a single PSoC device. Also included in Version 5.3 are multiple new features to make designing with PSoC faster and easier.
Some of the new User Modules in Version 5.3 are a gas-sensing analog front end (AFE), a fan controller, a voltage sequencer, an SMBus slave, and a thermistor interface. These User Modules can be dragged and dropped as icons into a design. They are pre-tested and pre-characterized, and each comes with a datasheet that designers can use to customize the functionality for their specific designs. PSoC Designer 5.3 includes over 150 of these User Modules, making designing with PSoC 1 devices fast and easy.
In addition to the new User Modules, Cypress has added a new auto-routing capability that radically simplifies the creation of systems using PSoC. Additional ease-of-use features in PSoC Designer 5.3 include a filterable device catalog, GUI improvements, easier User Module customization, and a project archive capability. Users can download PSoC Designer 5.3 free of charge at
“PSoC Designer is a revolutionary concept that fundamentally changed embedded design,” said Kapil Rai, Senior Director of PSoC 1 Products for Cypress. “Version 5.3 includes the biggest enhancements we’ve ever made to PSoC Designer, making designing with PSoC 1 devices faster and easier than ever before for a wide range of applications.”
About PSoC Designer
PSoC — Because Change Happens
PSoC 1 devices employ a highly configurable system-on-chip architecture for embedded control design, offering a flash-based equivalent of a field-programmable ASIC without lead-time or NRE penalties. PSoC devices integrate configurable analog and digital circuits, controlled by an on-chip microcontroller, providing both enhanced design revision capability and component count savings. They include up to 32 Kbytes of Flash memory, 2 Kbytes of SRAM, an 8×8 multiplier with 32-bit accumulator, power and sleep monitoring circuits, and hardware I2C communications.
The flexible PSoC digital and analog blocks allow designers to future-proof their products by enabling firmware-based changes during design, validation, production, and in the field. The unique PSoC flexibility shortens design cycle time and allows for late-breaking feature enhancements. All PSoC devices are also dynamically reconfigurable, enabling designers to morph internal resources on-the-fly, utilizing fewer components to perform a given task.
A single PSoC device can integrate as many as 100 peripheral functions saving customers design time, board space and power consumption while improving system quality and reliability. Customers can save as much as $10 in system costs. Learn more about PSoC products at and receive free online training at
About Cypress
Cypress delivers high-performance, mixed-signal, programmable solutions that provide customers with rapid time-to-market and exceptional system value. Cypress offerings include the flagship PSoC 1, PSoC 3, and PSoC 5 programmable system-on-chip families and derivatives, CapSense® touch sensing and TrueTouch® solutions for touchscreens. Cypress is the world leader in USB controllers, including the high-performance West Bridge® solution that enhances connectivity and performance in multimedia handsets, PCs, and tablets. Cypress is also the world leader in SRAM memories. Cypress serves numerous markets including consumer, mobile handsets, computation, data communications, automotive, industrial, and military. Cypress trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol CY. Visit Cypress online at