SUNNYVALE, Calif.—August 23, 2011—Real-Time Innovations (RTI), The Global Leader in DDS, today announced that Ultra Electronics (Ultra) has adopted RTI Data Distribution Service across its multiple system designs. RTI’s enabling messaging middleware supports Ultra’s embrace of a data-centric approach to open architecture in multiple global defense procurement initiatives.
Defense procurement agencies such as the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and U.K. Ministry of Defence (MOD) are starting to adopt and mandate the use of data-centric integration strategies. These agencies are striving to define a common system architecture across multiple procurement programs for systems of a similar type and thereby simultaneously simplify logistical system support in the field and create a more open competitive supplier market. Leading defense system supplier Ultra and RTI, the leading supplier of data-centric enabling technology, are working closely together to meet the demands of this emerging new trend in defense systems procurement.
Ultra has used RTI Data Distribution Service across multiple programs to achieve interoperability and integration objectives, including a sonar system for the Royal Australian Navy Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Alliance, support for the Common Link Integration Processing (CLIP) system for a DoD cross-services program, and research and development support for the MOD Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) program.
“Ultra is investing considerable time and effort in embracing and adopting data-centric open architecture design principles in its systems development,” said Tony White, director of Advanced Technology at Ultra. “RTI’s middleware solution is one of the principle enabling technologies we use to achieve this objective.”
A key characteristic of defense procurement agencies’ commitment to this new approach is their own development of a data definition and usage model for the systems they wish to procure. A prime example is the MOD-defined and -developed Land Data Model that is part of GVA Def Stan 23-09.
“The economic imperative placed on defense organizations by cash-strapped governments is driving innovation in defense procurement practices, enabled by new techniques for creating common system architectures across procurement programs,” said Curt Schacker, chief commercial officer, RTI. “We are proud to be able to support these defense procurement initiatives through our support of leading system suppliers such as Ultra.”
About RTI
Real-Time Innovations (RTI) delivers fast and scalable messaging software. It serves as the foundation for a range of mission-critical applications from military systems to stock trading to medical imaging. RTI is the world’s leading provider of messaging middleware compliant with the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) standard. With over 70 percent market share, RTI Data Distribution Service dramatically improves system performance while slashing costs. Founded in 1991, RTI is privately held and headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA. For more information, please visit