BURLINGAME, Calif., Aug. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Advancing in multicore development software, PolyCore Software, Inc. (PSI) today announced full support of Texas Instruments Incorporated KeyStone multicore architecture, with an emphasis on TI’s TMS320C667x™ digital signal processors (DSPs) generation. PSI’s Poly-Platform™ addresses the challenges designers face in their efforts to increase performance while achieving full utilization of the processor.
Poly-Platform facilitates a significant improvement in time-to-market by allowing users to quickly begin their development cycle, as well as the ability to make adjustments toward an optimized design. The application can be streamlined for TI’s high performance multicore processors and is also scalable, allowing rapid transition to next generation architectures. Poly-Platform’s scalability allows for development on TI’s multicore DSPs to be used in future designs.
“Poly-Platform layers seamlessly onto TI’s Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) and DSP/BIOS™ kernel, providing developers with a platform to quickly adapt their application to our KeyStone multicore architecture,” says Frank Fruth, director of multimedia engineering, TI. “The hardware and software integration provides a platform for applications to run on each of our C667x multicore DSP generation, as well as our next generation of processors.”
“We are pleased to provide tools assisted access to the MCAPI API for developers using TI’s flexible KeyStone multicore architecture with Poly-Platform,” said Sven Brehmer, president and CEO, PolyCore Software. “Furthermore, Poly-Platform’s EDMA3 and SRIO support, provides rapid access to these devices, reducing the developers task from a programming to a configuration effort, and enables MCAPI applications across TI’s cores and solutions.”
For more information about PolyCore Software’s programming model for TI’s multicore DSPs, please contactinfo@polycoresoftware.com.
About the Texas Instruments Developer Network
PolyCore Software is a member of the TI Developer Network, a community of respected, well-established companies offering products and services based on TI analog and digital technology. The Network provides a broad range of end-equipment solutions, embedded software, engineering services and development tools that help customers accelerate innovation to make the world smarter, healthier, safer, greener and more fun. www.ti.com/dspdevnetwork
About PolyCore Software, Inc.
PolyCore Software, Inc., provides development tools and run-time solutions to simplify application development and improve development productivity for multicore, multi-processor architectures. Improvements in time to market, development costs and risks are achieved through software reuse, ease of use development tools, and the generation of optimized run time program elements. Design for today’s architectures and run on tomorrow’s architectures.