SUNNYVALE, Calif.—August 16, 2011—Real-Time Innovations (RTI), The Global Leader in DDS, today announced the availability of Limited-Bandwidth Plug-Ins for RTI Data Distribution Service, designed to overcome situations where a network is constrained by low or limited bandwidth, intermittent connections or related issues. RTI is unveiling Limited-Bandwidth Plug-Ins at the AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America Meeting in Washington, D.C., this week in booth #1030.
Network bandwidth constraints are commonly found in a wide range of applications. Examples include unmanned vehicles, advanced combat net radio (CNR) systems, asset tracking systems, air-traffic management systems and systems using satellite communications. Constraints might be caused by highly error-prone networks, such as the Disconnected, Intermittent and Limited (DIL) networks often found in radio data links to unmanned vehicles, or variable-bandwidth networks. Two additional scenarios where constraints occur include receive-only devices where a receiver does not wish to broadcast—usually to avoid location detection—and Simplex communication, where the radio or other device is unable to receive data while transmitting.
“RTI has proven its applicability to challenged distributed networks with successful deployment in many tough environments,” said David Barnett, vice president of products and markets at RTI. “Meeting the requirements of such environments mandates a system design that addresses complex demands by carefully combining more advanced communication protocols and mechanisms that meet those needs.”
For networks with low bandwidth, limited bandwidth, high latencies or all three, the additional requirement placed on applications is to enforce the minimum strain upon communication links. RTI efficiently addresses this requirement out of the box with its bundle of Limited-Bandwidth Plug-in components. This bundle includes the following:
Limited-Bandwidth RTPS Transport Plug-In (LBRTPS)
This plug-in augments RTI’s implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) standard Data Distribution Service (DDS) wire protocol, Real-Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS). Designed for distributed real-time applications, RTPS is highly efficient on the wire. With the LBRTPS plug-in, RTI has optimized the RTPS transport to better maximize data-to-packet ratios.
Compression Transport Plug-in (ZRTPS)
The ZRTPS plug-in further optimizes data-to-packet ratios. It reduces packet size by up to 80 percent with minimal computation and latency increases. Configurable based on packet size, ZRTPS compression supports multiple compression algorithms.
Quasi-Static Discovery Plug-in
The Quasi-Static Discovery plug-in optimizes the discovery of network nodes and applications, significantly reducing metadata traffic and providing much faster system setup and reconnect. This is particularly beneficial in constrained and low-bandwidth networks or in networks requiring a very fast boot-up.
Simulation Transport Plug-in (LBSP)
The LBSP plug-in allows developers to easily test constrained network applications on a local area network (LAN). The plug-in simulates low-bandwidth networks such as radio and satellite links to uncover problems early in the development cycle.
The Limited-Bandwidth Plug-Ins are compatible with other RTI core features, such as multicast, message prioritization, latency-aware packet batching and link aggregation. In combination with the Limited-Bandwidth Plug-Ins, these features provide a complete solution for building highly efficient applications in constrained network environments.
For a detailed explanation of the Limited-Bandwidth Plug-ins, the problems they solve and the way they are implemented, please see the white paper Integrating Applications over Low Bandwidth, Unreliable and Constrained Networks using RTI Data Distribution Service at
About RTI
Real-Time Innovations (RTI) delivers fast and scalable messaging software. It serves as the foundation for a range of mission-critical applications from military systems to stock trading to medical imaging. RTI is the world’s leading provider of messaging middleware compliant with the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) standard. With over 70 percent market share, RTI Data Distribution Service dramatically improves system performance while slashing costs. Founded in 1991, RTI is privately held and headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA. For more information, please visit