WHO: The Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI), an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advancing SystemC™ as an industry-standard language for electronic system-level (ESL) design, announced the annual European SystemC User Group (ESCUG) meeting. Co-located with the Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, the event is free to industry professionals and the media. In addition, a half-day SystemC AMS tutorial will be conducted for DATE attendees.
WHAT/WHEN: Tutorial: “Application of the SystemC AMS Standard,” will take place Monday, March 8, 09:30 – 13:00. The annual ESCUG meeting will take place Tuesday, March 9, 18:30 – 21:30.
ESCUG AGENDA: The evening will feature an OSCI overview from President Mike Meredith, detailing results from individual OSCI Working Groups, including AMS, Synthesis, TLM-2.0, and CCI, and a special panel exploring 10 years of SystemC progress. In addition, technical luminaries from industry and academia will deliver papers describing advances in SystemC-based ESL design, modeling and interoperability for SoC and AMS Applications. For more information: www.systemc.org/news/events/.
WHERE: The SystemC AMS Tutorial, featuring noted speakers from the OSCI AMS Working Group, will be held in conjunction with DATE 2010 at the International Congress Centre, Konferenz 4. Advance registration for DATE tutorials is required. The ESCUG event will be held in Konferenz 2 at the Congress Centre. For additional information and to register, visit www.systemc.org/news/events/.