Technical User Presentations Explore Virtual Platforms, Power Analysis, SoC Modeling and More
WHO: The Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI), an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advancing SystemC™ as an industry-standard language for electronic system-level (ESL) design, announced the European SystemC User Group (ESCUG) will host its twentieth meeting Dec. 1, 2009 in Grenoble, France. For the first time, the meeting will be co-located with IP-ESC 2009, a technical conference focused on intellectual property (IP) based system-on-chip (SoC) design. Event registration as well as a full agenda for ESCUG is available at
ESCUG 20 Meeting
Tuesday, December 1st, 2009, 15:30 – 18:30
World Trade Center, Grenoble, France
Room Makalu
Registration and agenda:
Co-located with the IP-ESC Conference 2009:
15:30 Opening Remarks
Stefan Laemmermann, University of Tuebingen, DE
15:35 OSCI Forum
OSCI General Update
Markus Willems, OSCI, DE
Configuration, Control and Inspection Working Group Update
Markus Willems, OSCI, DE
16:00 SystemC User’s Forum
HW/SW CoDesign Experiences Based on a Virtual Platform of FPGA Systems
Guy Bois, Cofounder Space Codesign Systems, CA
Virtual Prototyping with SystemC from a User’s Perspective
Volkan Esen, Infineon, DE
SoC Modeling Abstraction Levels
Puneet Arora, CircuitSutra, IN
17:05 Break with Refreshments
17:20 SystemC User’s Forum
Accelerating USB 3.0 Software Development with Virtual Platforms
Shortening USB 3.0 product development cycles using TLM-2.0 compliant transaction-level models
Markus Willems, Synopsys, DE
The Growing Modeling Requirements of the Aerospace Sector
Mark Burton, Greensocs, U.K.
Extension of SystemC Framework Towards Power Analysis: The PKtool Simulation Environment
Giovanni Vece, Massimo Conti, University of Ancona, IT
18:30 pm Close
WHY: SystemC continues to grow in importance for architectural exploration, performance analysis, building virtual platforms for software development, and functional verification. User meetings strengthen OSCI’s mission and its dedication to providing mechanisms that allow collaboration and information exchange among members of the global ESL community.
SPONSORED BY: ARM, Cadence, CoWare, Doulos, Forte, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, Virtutech, XtremeEDA
About SystemC and OSCI
The Open SystemC™ Initiative (OSCI) is an independent, not-for-profit association composed of a broad range of organizations dedicated to supporting and advancing SystemC as an open industry standard for system-level modeling, design and verification. SystemC is a language built in C++ that spans from concept to implementation in hardware and software. For further information about SystemC and OSCI visit