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The International Society for Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) Announces 2010 Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED), 2009 Award Recipients

ASQED 2010, August 2-3, Penang, Malaysia

SAN JOSE, CA, PENANG, Malaysia – October 6, 2010 – The International Society for Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) today announced that its 2nd annual Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED) will be held in Penang, Malaysia on August 2-3, 2010. Recipients of the ASQED 2009 Best Research Papers awards included Taiwan’s National Chiao Tung University, the Indian Institute of Science, and Texas Instruments (India).

ASQED 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia attracted over 350 foreign and local participants, and featured five keynote speeches, two tutorials and over 80 technical presentations. It was the first event organized by ISQED in Asia and was co-produced with the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), and the Malaysia Institute of Microsystems (MIMs). The Symposium was supported by the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) and Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) and sponsored by Synopsys and Mentor Graphics.
ASQED 2009 proceedings are available at the IEEE Explore site.

ASQED plays a critical role in promoting quality electronic design and manufacturing in Asia and is an integral part of establishing a communication link between semiconductor disciplines such as design, design methodologies, manufacturing, test, and packaging.

The ASQED program includes Keynotes, Tutorials, Panels, Technical Sessions and Exhibits that address topics such as:
· Circuit and System Design
· Test and Verification
· IC Packaging Technology
· Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and Printed Wire Board (PWB) Technology and Manufacturing
· Semiconductor Technology and Manufacturing
· Nano and Bio-Electronics Innovations
· Photovoltaic Technology and Manufacturing
· Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Methodologies

For more information about ASQED, please visit

The International Society for Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), established in 1999, is an international professional organization devoted to quality in design of micro-electronic, nano-electronic, and bio-electronic circuits and systems. The mission of ISQED is to provide various forums and educational programs to present, educate and exchange ideas and to promote research, development, and application of design methods, design processes, semiconductor technologies, nano-technologies, circuit packaging, test, design automation tools and methodologies, with a focus on design for quality, manufacturing, yield, reliability, and environment. For more information please

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