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‘Smart’ story-telling pajamas invented by father of 6


As a dad who loves to read to his kids at bedtime, I was a little skeptical about Smart PJs. They’re certainly clever: Each of the jammies’ 47 unique dot patterns triggers a story or an animal lesson when the kid scans it with a smartphone or tablet. But I am wary of products that may outsource crucial parental tasks to machines. So I spoke with the inventor.

Juan Murdoch, an Idaho Falls, Id., realtor who came up with the idea for Smart PJs during a briefing on QR codes, has six kids, ranging from 6 to 18. I don’t know how many kids you have, but I can barely read a book to two children at once — I can’t imagine keeping the attention of six. It just makes sense that he’d invent something that provides a little extra bedtime help.
via Today Tech

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