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Light show lets you walk through a NYC tunnel for the first time ever


As part of their Summer Streets festivities, the Department of Transportation has invited the Mexican-Canadian artist, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, to transform the Park Avenue Tunnel into an interactive installation. For a few brief hours between 7am and 1pm, you’ll be able to walk into the tunnel without getting creamed by a cab.

Inside, Lozano-Hemmer and his team of thirty will have transformed the gloomy space into a light and sound show. The focal point of the shimmering installation will be a silver intercom box, placed at the center of the tunnel, where visitors are invited to say anything they want—whether it’s a poem, curse, or joke. A network of lights and loudspeakers will translate the message into light, letting it ripple down the space in a blast of pulsating light and sound.
via Gizmodo

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