Three years ago, MAKE published Charles Platt’s book Make: Electronics, which I consider the best book on learning electronics I’ve ever come across. As Gareth Branwyn, the editor of the book said, “we decided to make it our mission to create a book that would patiently guide readers into the world of electronics in a way that was fun, clear-spoken, graphical, and experiential.” (Disclosure: I’m the editor in chief of MAKE, so I’m biased).
Now Charles has a new book, which could be considered a kind of companion volume toMake: Electronics. It’s called Encyclopedia of Electronic Components. It’s the first of a forthcoming three-volume series of fact-checked reference guides to electronic components. This first volume covers power sources and power conversion: batteries, fuses, buttons, switches, relays, resistors, potentiometers, capacitors, transformers, power supplies, motors, diode, and transistors.
via Boing Boing
November 23, 2012