Human brains are like wild animals, you learn more when you can watch them in their natural habitat. That’s why five scientists in Milab at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) have combined the brain scanning power of the Emotiv EEG headset with a Nokia N900 smart phone. With their setup you can simply wear the Emotiv and the data from your brain scan will be processed and displayed on the phone in a cool looking 3D reconstruction you can rotate. The smart phone app will also give you information about your brain states and can of course pass your raw data onto a storage device or computer for further processing. Watch a short demonstration of the Milab Emotiv app in the video below. Emotiv’s brain scanning technology doesn’t provide nearly as much data as more complex EEG cap devices or fMRI, but the mobility could be a game changer. via Singularity Hub
September 23, 2011