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ARM TechCon Shakedown

ARM TechCon was a hip and happenin’ show this year and I’ve got the interviews to prove it.  This week I interview Tony Xia and Amit Bhojraj from NXP Semiconductor about their new 49 cent 32-bit microcontroller and why they were encouraging designers to dismantle, maim and otherwise destroy their old 8- and 16-bit development boards.  From the tool side of the ARM community, I also interview Thomas Sporrong from IAR Systems about the newest version of the IAR Embedded Workbench and how IAR’s acquisition of Signum Systems expanded their already wide range of … Read More → "ARM TechCon Shakedown"

Speak Softly and Carry Some Big Code

What would our world look like without C, or UNIX? In this week’s Fish Fry, I look at the remarkable life of computer science pioneer Dennis Ritchie, the challenges he faced in creating some of the most widely-used software in history, and the far-reaching impact of his elegant code – as well as how his vision of an engineering community openly sharing knowledge  inspired the open source movement of today.

I have a Spartan-6 SP01 Evaluation Kit to give away this week, but you … Read More → "Speak Softly and Carry Some Big Code"

Making The Pieces Fit

In the first of a series of distribution-focused Fish Fry episodes, I interview Alex Iuorio and Jeff Ittel from Avnet Embedded about how Avnet used a start-up mentality to get this new embedded division up and running. They discuss, among other things, how they see distribution playing a vital role in each step of the electronics design and supply chain. Then, in keeping with the distribution theme, I look into the ramifications of counterfeit chip production and highlight three overall challenges we face in protecting ourselves from counterfeit components.

Also, I check … Read More → "Making The Pieces Fit"

Rockin’ and Rollin’ EE Style

In this week’s Fish Fry, I interview Andreas Veneris (CEO – Vennsa Technologies) and Sean Safarpour (CTO – Vennsa Technologies) about the history of debug and how exactly Vennsa fits into the big picture of design automation.  I also investigate how the University of California Riverside is looking to re-invent electronic computation, and I reveal five things you may not know about Fish Fry.

I also have another gift certificate to give out this week, but you’ll have to listen to find out how … Read More → "Rockin’ and Rollin’ EE Style"

A Bear, a Transistor and a Process Node Walk Into a Bar

In this week’s Fish Fry, I interview James Wang (SmartBear Software – Vice President) about the age old gap between hardware and software designers and how SmartBear’s tool suite can help bridge that divide.  

Also this week, I check in on Samsung’s progress on 20nm process node and investigate how the National Science Foundation is trying to make the transistor obsolete.  

I have a … Read More → "A Bear, a Transistor and a Process Node Walk Into a Bar"

Nuts and Bolts

In this week’s embedded design themed Fish Fry, I interview Alf Bogen (Co-inventor of the AVR Microcontroller – CMO at Atmel) about what helped initiate the original development of the AVR core and how it fits into the grand scheme of electronic design today. In another embedded design related story, I investigate how Ford Motor Company is teaming up with open source hardware and software company Bug Labs to allow you to create your own custom-made electronic car accessories.</ … Read More → "Nuts and Bolts"

All You Can Eat: A Bountiful Buffet of EE

In this week’s Fish Fry, I’ve got a bountiful buffet of EE beauty for you to sink your teeth into. I interview Ivo Bolsens (CTO and Senior Vice President – Xiinx) about the changing nature of FPGA design wins and why Xilinx is banking on its Zynq platform to transform the industry as we know it.

Also this week, I check in on the recent rounds of litigation between non-volatile memory IP … Read More → "All You Can Eat: A Bountiful Buffet of EE"

More Adventures in EDA Land

In this week’s Fish Fry, I interview Mike Gianfagna (Vice President of Marketing – Atrenta) about Atrenta’s role in reshaping the EDA industry, how front-end design has changed recently, and how SoC Realization fits into the EDA ecosystem.

Also this week, I look into a fantastic new gift that might just be perfect for that nerdy someone in your life.

I have a brand new nerdy giveaway to … Read More → "More Adventures in EDA Land"

Magma Rising

In this week’s Fish Fry, I interview Rajeev Madhavan (Magma CEO) about Magma’s Silicon One initiative, how he thinks Magma fits into the EDA ecosystem and where EDA should be headed in the future. Also, Mentor Graphics plays musical product lines and Catapult C finds itself with a chair….at another company. I’ll give some wild speculation on what actually happened.

I have a DE0-Nano Development Board to … Read More → "Magma Rising"

Here Comes The Fun

In this week’s Fish Fry, I sit down with QuickLogic’s new CEO Andy Pease and chat with him about what exactly Quicklogic adds to the mobile computing experience and where he thinks the mobile market is headed in the months and years to come.

Also this week, I compare the Google acquisition of Motorola Mobility to an television game show and the analogy does seem to work quite well…

< … Read More → "Here Comes The Fun"
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