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Driving Optimization

What do high level synthesis, FPGAs, and the first 3D printer capable of printing fully-functional electronics have in common? This week’s podcast, of course! First up, I chat with Max Odendahl (CEO, Founder – Silexica) about ins and outs of system level understanding and optimization, what we can do with unsynthesizable C/C++ code and how we can tackle the biggest challenges in using Software  (C/C++) for hardware design. Also this week, we check out a new Kickstarter campaign called eForge that hopes to make 3D printed electronics an everyday reality.

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Plotting a Course to Functional Safety

There are many roads to prosperity, but one must be taken. Inaction leads nowhere. – Robert Zoellick

Security is not implemented overnight. Standards don’t create themselves. And our design lives won’t get easier if security and standards aren’t addressed at every step of the game. In this week’s podcast, Brent Sherman (Intel), Adam Sherer (Cadence) and I chat about the challenges of security characterization within IP implementation and delivery in a functional safety flow and why Accelera is looking to EE design community help them steer a path steer forward to comprehensive … Read More → "Plotting a Course to Functional Safety"

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About SI* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)

The Man, The Myth, The Legend of Everything SI – the one and only Dean of the Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Eric Bogatin joins Fish Fry this week. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Eric at this year’s AltiumLive and we talked about a wide variety of signal and power integrity issues including the downsides of open source designs, what signal integrity noise and rogue waves have in common, and why designing return paths is like a scene in the movie GhostBusters.


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Pixelated Perfection

What makes your pocket-sized screen picture perfect? There is a good chance Pixelworks has something to do with it. In this week’s podcast, Peter Carson (Pixelworks) and I dig into the details of innovative Pixelworks’ image processing platform and why the preservation of artistic intent is cornerstone to the Pixelworks vision. Also this week, we take a closer look at a new neural network training technique called deep reinforcement learning developed at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University that could turn drones into self-directed aerial cinematographers.

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It’s ALive!

Coming to you from AltiumLive 2019, this week’s podcast is all about hacking, PCB design, and how sharing information can inspire innovation big and small. AltiumLive 2019 keynote speaker Joe Grand (Grand Idea Studio/L0pht Heavy Industries) and I discuss how hacking and engineering can collide in today’s EE ecosystem. We also discuss the origins of the legendary hacking group L0pht Heavy Industries and Joe shares a couple of his favorite hacking creations.  In our second interview this week, Altium keynote speaker Robert Feranec (Founder – FEDEVEL Academy) and I chat about the challenges of hardware design process … Read More → "It’s ALive!"

Get Smart(er)!

Work smart. Get things done. – Susan Wojcicki

What’s smarter than smart? This week’s episode of Amelia’s Weekly Fish Fry! Tim Ramsdale (CEO – Agile Analog) reveals how Agile Analog is changing the landscape of analog IP and why their unique design methodology sets their analog IP away from the rest of the pack. In our second interview this week, Tom Yates (Product VP – joins us to discuss the current state of edge computing and how is helping embedded designers get the most out of their IoT and edge-based designs.</ … Read More → "Get Smart(er)!"

The Acceleration Situation

In this week’s episode of Fish Fry, Clay Johnson (CEO – CacheQ) joins us to discuss the history of processor performance demands and why today’s designs require a variety of different technologies to increase compute performance. Clay and I also chat about the details of their QCC platform and how their platform is helping software developers leverage the benefits of heterogeneous distributed compute environments. Also this week, we investigate the details of a new whale-shaped nanorobot specifically designed for drug delivery by Dartmouth College and City University of Hong Kong.


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Up Up and Away

“I think everybody understands how important the cloud is.” – Marc Benioff

They say every cloud has a silver lining but does every silver lining have a cloud? In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, Craig Johnson (Cadence Design Systems) joins us to discuss a variety of cloud strategies. We investigate how priorities and usage models should influence our choice of cloud models and why different clouds for different folks is always the way to go. Also this week, we check out how a group of researchers at the University of ILL at Urbana-Champaign may  discovered … Read More → "Up Up and Away"

FPGA Fiesta

We’re serving up a double helping of field programmable goodness in this week’s episode of Amelia’s Weekly Fish Fry podcast. Dianne Kibbey (element14) and I dish about this year’s Path II Programmable design series. We discuss the details of this innovative program and how you sign up to participate in this FPGA-based program. Also this week, Geoff Tate (CEO – Flex Logix) and I chat about the history eFPGAs and the motivations behind the launch of their new nnMAX™ Inference Acceleration Architecture and InferX™ X1 Edge Inference Co-Processor.

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The Internet of Many Things

The Internet of Things takes center stage in this week’s episode of Fish Fry. First up, we investigate a new sensor platform developed at Stanford University called BodyNet and how this new device can track both the pulse and rate of respiration by detecting the expansion and contraction of skin. Also this week, Mark Milligan and I discuss the future of the internet of things and how the Enlighted platform is looking to redefine what a smart building can be.

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Sep 11, 2024
In which we cogitate, ruminate, and pontificate on the things you can do to further your goal of landing (and keeping) a job in engineering...