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The Next Great Leap Forward: How Paragraf is Bringing Graphene into Electronic Design Primetime

Graphene takes center stage in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Simon Thomas (Paragraf – CEO) joins us to discuss why he believes that graphene can revolutionize the electronics industry, the role sticky tape played in its creation, and how Paragraf is bringing graphene from the lab into the real world.

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For the Love of Coffee and Design Verification

Happy Engineers Week! In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, we are celebrating with a whole lot of design verification and even more coffee! Vanessa Cooper (DVCon US 2021 Program Chair) joins us to discuss the details of DVCon US 2021, what’s new with this year’s conference and all of the cool stuff you will learn by attending. Also this week, we check out a new research study that contends that drinking coffee every day may affect our cognitive hardware and reduce the volume of grey matter in our brains. (Spoiler Alert: This might not be a bad thing.)</ … Read More → "For the Love of Coffee and Design Verification"

Learning to Let It Go: Obsolescence Management and an OEM Tale of Woe

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” – Ann Landers 

In this week’s podcast, we dive deep into the world of long-term product sustainment practices and obsolescence management. Tania Scroggie (GDCA) joins us to discuss the challenges of older designs in today’s OEMs, the delicate balance between sales and obsolete inventory, and how we can best … Read More → "Learning to Let It Go: Obsolescence Management and an OEM Tale of Woe"

For the Love of Design: Kickstarter and Sydney Ahn Mai’s Passion for Purposeful Interactions

Here at Fish Fry, we love Kickstarter! In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, award-winning Kickstarter product designer Sydney Anh Mai joins us to discuss her passion for purposeful interactions, how her experience in the world of dance has set her up for success in high tech, and how she navigates the unique challenges of designing for this global crowdfunding platform. Keeping with our Kickstarter theme, we also check out the Lucon: a connected lamp kit for connecting people. We take a closer look at how this wifi connected lamp kit, as part of Kickstarter’s popular yearly Make 100 … Read More → "For the Love of Design: Kickstarter and Sydney Ahn Mai’s Passion for Purposeful Interactions"

To The Skies And Beyond: Securing the Mission Critical Edge and A New Rocket Thruster to Mars

“If you’re not living on the edge, then you’re taking up a little too much space.” – Morgan Freeman

This week’s Fish Fry podcast is all about mission critical edge and solar flare-inspired rocket thrusters. (Mars here we come!) First up, we take a closer look at a groundbreaking idea for a new type of rocket thruster that could take us to Mars and beyond. We investigate why this technology is different from current space-proven propulsion devices and how this new kind of rocket thruster could make long distance space travel … Read More → "To The Skies And Beyond: Securing the Mission Critical Edge and A New Rocket Thruster to Mars"

The Business Of Making Sensors Smarter

In honor of Embedded Tech Trends (one of my favorite conferences every year) open standards take center stage in this week’s Fish Fry podcast. Doug Sandy (Chief Technical Officer, PICMG) joins us to discuss the role that open specifications play in the future of Industrial IoT. Doug and I dig into the details of PICMG’s new MicroSAM and check out how this new … Read More → "The Business Of Making Sensors Smarter"

A Mesh By Any Other Name Just Isn’t the Same

In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, we’re making the impossible possible! We start things off with a closer look at the world’s first metamaterial developed by a team of researchers from EPFL Labs. We investigate the unique properties of this new metamaterial and how this research could pave the way for the development of advanced forms of mechanical metamaterials. Also this week, Matt Commens (Ansys) joins us to discuss HFSS Mesh Fusion. We check out the details of this new mesh fusion technology including how it will open up new avenues for simulation, and why it … Read More → "A Mesh By Any Other Name Just Isn’t the Same"

Full Stack Future Proofing: How LEVL is Changing the Device Identity Game

Step right up ladies and gentlemen! We’ve got all sorts of fun lined up for this week’s Fish Fry podcast. Tim Colleran (LEVL) joins us to discuss LEVL-ID, what sets it apart this device identity technology from MAC randomization, and why full stack device Intelligence is key to its success. Also this week, we check out a new research study from Georgetown University that contends that mirroring human visual learning may be key to helping AI software to … Read More → "Full Stack Future Proofing: How LEVL is Changing the Device Identity Game"

Brain-a-Palooza! Advancements in Brain-Hand Communication and Your Brain on Code

In our first Fish Fry podcast of 2021, we sit down with Dr. Scott Frey (Miller Family Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Missouri) and chat about the challenges and newest advancements in brain-hand communication. We take a closer look at how Dr. Frey and his team are helping to personalize recovery from ‘lost’ limbs and the details of a new wireless device that could help people with severe upper limb injuries live better lives. Keeping with our brain-related theme this week, we also investigate a … Read More → "Brain-a-Palooza! Advancements in Brain-Hand Communication and Your Brain on Code"

The Next Big Thing! Ferroelectric Nonvolatile Memory and Tiny Aquatic Robots Inspired by Sea Creatures

We’ve got a virtual grab bag of EE goodness in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! First up, we take a closer look at some very unique robots unveiled by a recent research study at Northwestern University. We take a closer look at how these tiny robots (which are powered by light and rotating magnetic fields) are able to walk, roll, and transport cargo. Next, Stefan Müller (CTO and Founder – FMC) joins us to discuss the details of ferroelectric nonvolatile memory and what sets it apart from other memory solutions today. Finally, we check out … Read More → "The Next Big Thing! Ferroelectric Nonvolatile Memory and Tiny Aquatic Robots Inspired by Sea Creatures"

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Sep 19, 2024
I just saw an awesome presidential debate remix video by David Scott (a.k.a. the Kiffness). I'd never heard of David before. I'll never forget him now....