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FloatingPoint DSP for You and Me: Why Today’s Real World Designs Need Floating Point Digital Signal Processing

What do sweat-powered batteries and floating point digital signal processing have in common? This week’s Fish Fry podcast of course! We start things off with an investigation into the details of a revolutionary new battery developed by NTU Singapore that is powered by sweat and includes a unique silver flake electrode design. Also this week, Ted Chua (Cadence Design Systems) joins me to discuss the need for floating point digital signal processing today and the details of Cadence’s new Tensilica FloatingPoint DSPs.


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Taking Piracy Out of the Driver’s Seat

In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, Ted Miracco (CEO – Cylynt) and I discuss the increased prevalence of software piracy in the automotive industry and what can be done to stem the tide of unauthorized software use today. We also discuss the current state of cybersecurity today and the details of their upcoming Cylynt Connect Software Monetization and Anti-Piracy Summit.  Also this week, I investigate a new soft and stretchable metal alloy-based energy harvester that converts movement into electricity developed by a team of researchers from North Carolina State University. (Spoiler alert: it works underwater too!)

 </ … Read More → "Taking Piracy Out of the Driver’s Seat"

Crafting the Next Generation of AI – Deci Is Looking to Change How We Build Artificial Intelligence

It’s Friday and we’re taking a deep dive into the world of artificial intelligence! Yonatan Geifman (Co-founder and CEO – Deci) joins me this week to discuss how we can use AI itself to craft the next generation of AI. We also chat about how developers can streamline artificial intelligence development and where AI is headed in the next couple years and decades to come. Also this week, I take a closer look at new research from an international group of researchers that aims to answer the question: What if photonics can help us better recognize patterns for … Read More → "Crafting the Next Generation of AI – Deci Is Looking to Change How We Build Artificial Intelligence"

Fish Fry Special Edition: Makers Today! Max Maxfield

Welcome to the third installment of a new special edition series of our long-running Fish Fry podcast called “Makers Today!”, where we highlight the movers and shakers in the Maker space. In this month’s episode, my guest is the one and only Max Maxfield! Max and I chat about his creative process, what motivates him to create the fantastic projects he has designed, and why one particular piece of advice from his mother made all the difference in his life. 


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A Bridge Between Technology and Diplomacy

In this episode of Fish Fry,  I am happy to announce that Mung Chiang (EVP and Dean of Engineering College at Purdue University) is joining me to discuss the new Center for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue University. Mung and I discuss the multi-layered connection between technology and freedom and how this new tech tank will build a bridge between the worlds of technology and diplomacy. Also this week, I check out new research from the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology in Japan that may have cracked the code of benefit and cost-based motivation (Spoiler alert: … Read More → "A Bridge Between Technology and Diplomacy"

Papa’s Got a Brand New Node: Intel Makes Waves in Process and Packaging

On your mark. Get set. Let’s fry some fish! In this week’s podcast, I chat with Sanjay Natarajan (Senior Vice President and Co-General Manager, Logic Technology Development at Intel) about what the roadmaps for Intel’s process and packaging technologies looks like, the motivations behind Intel’s move to a new node naming convention, and what Sanjay believes will be the key factors that will drive the continuation and success of Moore’s Law. Also this week, I check out how new research from the University of Tsukuba is improving the possibility of launching rockets … Read More → "Papa’s Got a Brand New Node: Intel Makes Waves in Process and Packaging"

Automatic For The People: CacheQ’s New Compiler for Multithreaded Executables

In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, CacheQ CEO Clay Johnson joins me to discuss their new compiler for multi-threading acceleration for CPUs with multiple physical cores and why there is a need for a heterogenous compute development environment specifically for software developers. Also this week, I take a closer look at new self-healing, re-configurable, and recyclable stretchy skin-like circuits developed by Virginia Tech Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Macromolecules Innovation Institute.

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Machine Learning and The New Age of Intelligent Chip Design

Machine learning is once again taking center stage in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Rod Metcalfe (Cadence Design Systems) joins me to discuss the role of machine learning in the future of chip design, why implementation teams are having a hard time keeping up with today’s advanced node designs, and how advancements in computer science are helping usher in a new age of intelligent chip design. I also take a closer look at how a team of researchers is using machine learning to help us more accurately predict how new materials deform, fail and … Read More → "Machine Learning and The New Age of Intelligent Chip Design"

The Hidden Security Risks of Automotive Electronic Systems

What comes to mind when you think of an automotive energy source? I’m guessing of all the things you could possibly imagine tamarind shells wouldn’t be one of them… but maybe they should be. To start things off in this week’s Fish Fry podcast, I take a closer look at a new multi-national research study that could pave ways to supply energy to cars. (Spoiler Alert: It involves creating carbon nanosheets from tamarind shells!) Keeping with our vehiclular theme, Adrian Cosoroaba (Winbond) joins me to discuss the hidden security risks of automotive electronic systems.

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Fish Fry Special Edition: Makers Today! Lorraine Underwood

We look at science as something very elite, which only a few people can learn. That’s just not true. You just have to start early and give kids a foundation. Kids live up, or down, to expectations.” – Mae Jemison

Welcome to a new episode of our special edition podcast series called “Makers Today!”, where we highlight the movers and shakers in the Maker space. In this month’s episode, my guest is teacher, maker, and author Lorraine Underwood. Lorraine and I chat about her participation in the the #badass Women … Read More → "Fish Fry Special Edition: Makers Today! Lorraine Underwood"

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Sep 19, 2024
I just saw an awesome presidential debate remix video by David Scott (a.k.a. the Kiffness). I'd never heard of David before. I'll never forget him now....