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Auditory Adventures: Cadence HiFi Digital Signal Processing and Unlocking the Evolution of Hearing in Humans

What do sea anemones, Cadence HiFi 1 DSPs, and the evolution of auditory sensing have in common? This week’s Fish Fry podcast! Prakash Madhvapathy (Cadence Design Systems) joins me to discuss the challenges of always-on consumer and mobile devices, the necessary requirements for optimized always-on DSPs, and how HiFi 1 DSPs (paired with other Tensilica solutions) can help solve the toughest complex audio processing applications. Also this week, I take a closer look at new research that has uncovered an evolutionary link between human hearing and sea anemones.


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The Need for Chips is Inevitable: How EMD Electronics is Planning for Tomorrow

This week I am happy to announce that Anand Nambiar (Global head of Semiconductor Materials at EMD Electronics) is joining me to discuss technological innovation amidst a global supply chain shortage. Anand and I discuss why EMD Electronics has pledged an investment of one billion dollars to support customers in the United States and a total of 3.5 billion dollars on a global scale. We discuss how this investment supports not only capacity expansion but also new material and technology innovation. Also this week, I take a closer look at a new 3D printing method developed by University College London … Read More → "The Need for Chips is Inevitable: How EMD Electronics is Planning for Tomorrow"

The Art of Predictability : How Axiomise is Making Formal Verification Mainstream

In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, Ashish Darbari (Founder and CEO at Axiomise) joins me to chat about the past, present and future of formal verification. Ashish and I explore the three pillars of formal verification, how the perception of formal verification as changed over the years, and why we are seeing the increased adoption of formal verification today. Also this week, I delve into the details of a new immune-system-on-a-chip developed by the Wyss Institute at Harvard University.


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The Rise of Smart Machines: How MicroAI is Accelerating the Development of Machines that Self Diagnose

Artificial intelligence is the name of the game in this week’s podcast. My guest is Yasser Kahn – Founder and CEO of MicroAI. Yasser and I chat about what sets MicroAI apart from other edge AI providers, the benefits of proactive maintenance at the edge versus the cloud, and how MicroAI is advancing the next generation of smart machines. Also this week, I take a closer look at how DeepMind’s new deep neural network – called Ithaca – is unlocking the secrets of ancient texts.


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Minding the SoC Verification Gap: How Breker’s TrekApps Solve Specific Common Verification Challenges

SoC verification takes center stage in this week’s podcast! Dave Kelf (CEO of Breker) joins us to discuss why coherency is crucial to system-level verification today, the details of Breker’s new TrekApps, and how these applications can help us bridge the SoC verification gap in our next SoC designs. Also this week, I take a closer look at how a new research project at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign could finally make DNA a feasible solution for data storage. (Spoiler Alert: They added seven new letters to the DNA alphabet!)


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Breaking Down Communication Barriers: How Altimade is Connecting Design, Supply Chain and Manufacturing

Are you designing with components that you cannot source? At what point in your design process do you think about manufacturing? This is exactly what we are exploring in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Ted Pawela (Altium) joins me to discuss how Altium and MacroFab are addressing common PCB design communication and procurement issues with an industry-first integrated PCB “Design WITH Manufacturing” application called Altimade. Ted and I investigate how this new application will bridge the design gaps between design, supply chain and manufacturing. Also this week, Ted and I explore the newest version of Altium Designer including … Read More → "Breaking Down Communication Barriers: How Altimade is Connecting Design, Supply Chain and Manufacturing"

Adventures in Brain Computer Interfaces: How AE Studio is Advancing Innovation in the World of BCI

What if your computer could receive directions directly from your thoughts? No keyboard or mouse required? That is exactly what we talk about in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Evan Coopersmith (EVP of Data Science at AE Studio) joins me to discuss the newest advancements in brain computer interface technology. Evan and I chat about the details of the recent Neural Latents Benchmark Challenge, how AE Studio is leveraging their expertise in machine learning to encourage innovation in BCI technology, and why neuroethical principles that increase human agency are vital to the future of brain computer interface technology.</ … Read More → "Adventures in Brain Computer Interfaces: How AE Studio is Advancing Innovation in the World of BCI"

Lift Every Voice: How Sensory is Using AI to Pave the Way for Better Voice Technology

Do you hear what I hear? Because I hear some fish fryin’! In this week’s podcast, Todd Mozer (Chairman & CEO of Sensory) joins me to discuss the future of voice control and speech recognition in electronic design. We discuss Sensory’s new cloud-based voice and vision AI service called, how this new service allows companies to have full AI deployments and the data generated from them, the details of their speech recognition solutions aimed at children’s voices, and where Todd thinks voice control in automotive designs are headed in the future. Also … Read More → "Lift Every Voice: How Sensory is Using AI to Pave the Way for Better Voice Technology"

Verification for You and Me! DVCon U.S. 2022 and The New Cadence Midas Safety Platform

Design verification is the name of the game of this week’s Fish Fry podcast. First up, John Dickol (DVCon 2022 U.S. Program Chair) and I chat about this year’s DVCon Virtual Conference, the new two stage paper submission process for this year’s conference and what you can expect by attending. Also this week, Robert Schweiger (Cadence) joins me to discuss why standardization is crucial to functional safety design today and the details of Cadence’s new comprehensive safety solution for faster certification of automotive and industrial designs.


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The Next Evolution of Robotics – InOrbit’s Plans for Robots and AI in the Workforce

Robots big and small take center stage in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Florian Pestoni (CEO – InOrbit) joins me to discuss the future of AI and robotics in the workforce. Florian and I also chat about the details of InOrbit’s cloud-based robot management platform and why Florian believes that the next step in digital transformation will be software-defined X. Also this week, I investigate new micro-bots developed by a team of researchers from Japan’s Okayama University and Linköping University in Sweden that can self-heal bone and may make the treatment of compound bone fractures much … Read More → "The Next Evolution of Robotics – InOrbit’s Plans for Robots and AI in the Workforce"

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Sep 19, 2024
I just saw an awesome presidential debate remix video by David Scott (a.k.a. the Kiffness). I'd never heard of David before. I'll never forget him now....