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A Billion Instances and Counting – Solving the Challenges of IC Design Closure

Integrated circuits once again take center stage in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Brandon Bautz (Cadence Design Systems) and I chat about the challenges of IC design closure today, how distribution and optimization can help address these growing design challenges, and the details of the Cadence® Certus™ Closure Solution. Also this week I investigate a new soft robot developed by Cornell University that can detect damage and heal itself!

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Prevention-First Cybersecurity: Why Detection Just Isn’t Good Enough Anymore

In this week’s podcast, Pete Nicoletti (Check Point Software) and I chat about the top three cybersecurity threats today and how Check Point Software’s prevention-first strategy can help address these issues. Also this week, I check out a recent study from the University of Copenhagen that suggests the first life in our solar system started on Mars.


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Automation and the Future of IC Design for Test

What do IC design for test, the Tessent multi-die software solution and the best semiconductor material of all time have in common? This week’s podcast of course! My guest Vidya Neerkundar (Siemens) and I discuss trends in the IC industry today, the unique testing challenges for today’s cutting edge integrated circuits and why automation for 2D and 3D IC design-for-test is the way of the future. Also this week, I investigate a new semiconductor material that is being called the best of all time.

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Fish Fry 500: The Best of Photonics (Now on Youtube!)

I have been fascinated by the manipulation of light since I was a kid. In another Fish Fry podcast playlist on Youtube, I investigate a variety of innovations in photonics. I chat with Dr. Eyal Cohen (Co-founder and CEO of Cognifiber) about Cognifiber’s glass-based chips, proprietary fibers, and embedded waveguides, and why the advancement of this kind of technology could revolutionize the world of edge computing. I also investigate a new ultra-compact integrated photonic device developed by University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering that could pave the way for a new class of integrated photonic … Read More → "Fish Fry 500: The Best of Photonics (Now on Youtube!)"

The Evolution of Always-On: How Image Sensors and AI are Changing the Always-On Landscape

In my Fish Fry podcast this week, Amol Borkar from Cadence Design Systems joins me to discuss the evolution of always-on devices, the role that AI and sensors are playing in the trajectory of always-on device development and the requirements needed for the next generation of always-on devices.

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Let’s Twist, Turn and Pressurize! Element14’s Robotics Challenge and New Robotic Grippers Inspired by Jellyfish

Are you ready to twist, turn and get your robotics groove on? Longtime friend of the show Phil Hutchinson from Element14 joins me this week to chat about Element14’s new Twist, Turn and Move Robotics Design Challenge. I also investigate a new kind of robotic gripper inspired by jellyfish.


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AI Chronicles: Explainability Vs. Complexity

AI once again takes center stage in this week’s Fish Fry podcast! Johanna Pingel from MathWorks and I discuss the differences between complexity vs. explainability in artificial intelligence, how you will know if explainability is right for your application and how explainability will impact the future of AI. Also this week, I examine how AI could help predict extreme wildfire danger.


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Sustainability and Positivity: Solving Real World Problems with NXP HoverGames

A topic that is near and dear to my heart takes center stage in this week’s podcast: sustainability. Iain Galloway (NXP) and Richard Fix (Bosch Sensortec) join me to discuss how you can help solve real-world societal challenges with the NXP HoverGames. We also discuss the variety of components and technologies provided to contestants of this unique design contest and why sustainable food ecosystems is the theme of this year’s HoverGames. Also this week, keeping with our sustainability theme, I how AI is helping save Norway’s endangered Atlantic salmon.

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Operation Data Capture: Solving the Challenges of Battlefield Big Data and Mission Critical AI

In this week’s podcast, I investigate edge-based data capture and AI computing in military programs with David Freeman (Mercury) and Randy Hayes (VAST Data Federal). We discuss the challenges involved with big data, mission critical AI and machine learning applications in rugged environments and how a new data center-class, all-flash network-attached storage system can help solve these issues. Also this week, I check out a new autonomous off-road combat vehicle developed by DARPA that can drive as fast as a human driver and navigate extremely rugged terrain.

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Mission AI – Ethics, Sentience and the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Is AI the new electricity? What is the role of AI in disinformation and misinformation? How do we survive and thrive through the AI Revolution? In this week’s podcast, I investigate all of this and more with author, founder of the Next Wave Institute and AI expert Peter Scott. Peter and I also examine Google’s LaMDA research, the motivation to write his book Artificial Intelligence and You” and why Peter believes that AI is like the parable of the blind men and the elephant.

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Sep 11, 2024
In which we cogitate, ruminate, and pontificate on the things you can do to further your goal of landing (and keeping) a job in engineering...