fish fry
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Electromagnetic Domination

Spectral Allocation and the Next Generation of Electronic Warfare

What has the electromagnetic spectrum done for you lately? I’m guessing not a lot. But it can. In this week’s Fish Fry, I sit down with Hayden Nelson (Abaco) and discuss the future of electronic warfare. Hayden reveals the what, where, and how of cognitive electronic warfare, how spectral allocation in wireless communication can be a battlefield game-changer, and why open standards are critical to the evolution of warfare communication technologies. Also this week, we check out a funny story coming out of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction that involves five incarcerated cyber criminals, unauthorized network access, and two kluged together personal computers found in the ceiling of a prison.



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Links for April 21, 2017

More information about Abaco

Prisoners built two PCs from parts, hid them in ceiling, connected to the state’s network and did cybershenanigans

New Episode of Chalk Talk: ANSI/VITA 57.4-2016 FMC+ — The New Frontier of FPGA Expansion Cards

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All good things must come to an end, as they say, and so we bid a sad farewell to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest (BLFC)...

Libby's Lab

Libby's Lab - Scopes out: Analog Devices DEMO-ADIN1100D2Z Media Converter Boards

Sponsored by Mouser Electronics and Analog Devices

Mouser Electronics presents Libby's Lab - scoping out Analog Devices DEMO-ADIN1100D2Z Media Converter Boards for long-run Ethernet connectivity.

Click here for more information about Analog Devices Inc. DEMO-ADIN1100D2Z Media Converter Board

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Developing a Secured Matter Device with the OPTIGA™ Trust M MTR Shield
Sponsored by Mouser Electronics and Infineon
In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton and Johannes Koblbauer from Infineon explore how you can add Matter and security to your next smart home project with the OPTIGA™ Trust M MTR shield. They also investigate the steps involved in the OPTIGA™ Trust M Matter design process, the details of the OPTIGA™ Trust M Matter evaluation board and how you can get started on your next Matter IoT device.
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