I pounded the padded carpet this week at the Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose where I witnessed the wonder that is Woz, interviewed new FPGA prototyping start-up BEECube, and pondered why exactly Green Hills employed a dinosaur as their main event this year. I also picked up some righteous swag!
Want a super cool new EE iPhone app? Check out Fish Fry’s nerdy giveaway this week and maybe (if you’re fast enough) you’ll get one for free…
If you like the idea of this new series be sure to drop a comment in the box below. I appreciate all of your comments so far, and we will be working to enhance the Fish Fry each week – as long as you’re watching.
Fish Fry Links – May 6, 2011
Samson – The Embedded Systems T-Rex
Bryon Moyer’s Editorial Blog – An Engineer’s Engineer