As one gets older, one becomes ever more set in one’s ways, and one increasingly uses words like one to refer to oneself. One manifestation of this is that I often find myself responding to things with “canned” replies, as if flying on conversational autopilot mode.
Take, for example, when someone says, “So, that’s the … Read More → "We Haven’t Got a Plan, So Nothing Can Go Wrong!"
Have you heard tell of the Rust programming language and how it is growing to be a serious contender in embedded space (where no one can hear you scream)? If not, then make yourself comfortable, “O my Best Beloved,” and I shall babble, blabber, and blather on this topic, as is my wont, but first…
If you are a non-programmer (or even if … Read More → "Rust Rules! (Programming Language-Wise)"
Until relatively recently, robots have been kept in cages. This isn’t to stop them from getting out (although I have a niggling notion that day may come)—rather, to prevent humans from getting in. I’m thinking of honking big industrial robots in facilities like automobile factories.
While members of this class of robots are awesomely good at what they do (picking … Read More → "The Rise of the Robots (Cobots)"
I have seen the future, and it’s going to be even more amazing than our wildest dreams. Do I have your attention? Good. Then I’ll begin…
Have you seen The Time Machine movie? Well, I should say “movies” because there was the classic Read More → "I See Holograms Everywhere"
Documentation is one of those things that people love or loathe. The people who create it typically loathe doing so. The people who use it can go either way depending on how well it’s written.
I was talking to a friend just a few minutes before I commenced this column. We will call my friend Joe (because that’s his name). Joe … Read More → "AI-Powered Documentation Generator and Understander"