I wish I were going to attend the forthcoming IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, which is scheduled to take place next week as I pen these words. There’s a buzz building around this year’s event like “I know not wot,” as it were.
APEC 2025 will be taking place March 16 … Read More → "Need 3,000A to Power Your Next-Gen XPU?"
I can’t believe how fast things are moving in artificial intelligence (AI) space (where no one can hear you scream). As one example, I just saw a video of a high school student called Benjamin Choi who built a prosthetic arm that he can control with his mind using AI.
As reported by Read More → "Zero-Code Smart Camera and Robot Controller"
Believe it or not, I have been known to waffle just a tad before getting to the point. So, suppose we flip things round. What would you say if I told you I was just introduced to AC-to-DC and DC-to-DC converters that dispense with things like bridge rectifiers, electrolytic capacitors, and inductors, and replace everything with small, cost-effective solid-state equivalents?
Now that I … Read More → "Disrupting AC-DC and DC-DC Power Delivery from Data Centers to the Edge"