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Software Sells Processors

Ounce for ounce, silicon chips are more valuable than gold. A tiny fleck of Intel Core 2 Duo processor silicon sells for hundreds of dollars per gram, versus about $10/gram for pure gold. A single typical microprocessor chip contains millions of transistors, making it one of the most complex things ever devised by humankind. About 100 million transistors are manufactured for every man, woman, and child living on the planet. That’s just in one year, in addition to all the transistors made the previous year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Transistors are probably more … Read More → "Software Sells Processors"

Loss of Innocence

Innocence is ignorance. And ignorance is bliss. The messy, inconvenient details and realities of the world can be an incredible buzzkill, and it’s just nicer to abstract them away as unnecessary refinements, third-order effects. Or perhaps nuisances that some specialist can be assigned to take care of.

The world is analog. We are repeatedly told that, as if by dint of exposure we will somehow acquire an appreciation for the madness that is unleashed by viewing the world through an analog lens. But it never happens. Most of us breathe a … Read More → "Loss of Innocence"

Apples to Apples

We’ve all had a fun time complaining.

It’s not like Marketing (upper-case “M”) was without blame, either.

When the new millennium dawned, we’d had enough of “System Gates” – the metric that FPGA companies used to describe and inflate the capacity of their devices.  In those days, vendors gave us a huge number – something like the number of transistors divided by three or four, as the “system gate” count of their devices.  Most of the transistors on an FPGA, however, are involved in configuration logic, routing, and other structures that don’ … Read More → "Apples to Apples"

The March of IDEs

Debugging is not popularly viewed as an opportunity for personal growth and enlightenment. Surveys show that embedded programmers hate debugging more than any other task. Perhaps not coincidentally, the same surveys show that most programmers spend more time debugging code than they did writing it.

So what’s a poor embedded developer to do? Debugging tools are clearly important, given the amount of quality time that talented and well-paid programmers are going to spend using them. Any gains in debug efficiency pay off in reduced frustration, quicker product development, and the all-important “time to market& … Read More → "The March of IDEs"

Using VMM, DPI, and TCL to Leverage Verification and Enable Early Testing, Emulation, and Validation

Let’s face it.  Some designers refuse to learn a new language.  Or, the prospect of learning object-oriented programming makes some people break out in hives.  Or, the old way is still just fine.  Or, there’s not enough time in the schedule to get everyone trained.  Or, there’s no budget for training.

Whatever the case may be, you find yourself at the beginning of a project, and there are not enough people to do the verification work needed.  Most designers have learned TCL scripting … Read More → "Using VMM, DPI, and TCL to Leverage Verification and Enable Early Testing, Emulation, and Validation"

TCL Drives C Drives SystemVerilog

Judging by advertising and datasheets and other promotional materials, verification is pretty much a simple, clear-cut, well-solved problem. Actually, that’s not quite true. Judging by any of those docs, verification was a complex, obtuse, poorly-solved problem until we released our last product, after which it’s become simple, clear-cut, and well-solved. Yeah, that’s more like it.

Of course, experience or any candid conversation reveals otherwise. Many tools and techniques have been developed over the last few years to address the burgeoning verification burden, but they remain … Read More → "TCL Drives C Drives SystemVerilog"

Modelling: not just for big boys?

Years ago, when I worked in PR, I used to visit a telecoms company every few weeks, with a colleague. (PR agency people always seem to travel to clients in pairs – I have never understood why.) The visits were usually to be briefed on a new product or a new release, and the briefings were conducted by engineers. On the way, we used to make small bets on how long it would be before the briefing engineer got up and started using the white-board: it was rarely more than five minutes into the meeting. Now, when on the … Read More → "Modelling: not just for big boys?"

Buzzword Bob

8:59 AM – Buzzword Bob calmly climbs aboard his ergonomically efficient office throne.  His was special-ordered – not the standard-issue sort of desk chair found in all the other engineers’ cubicles.  He flicks on his flat-screen monitor (wouldn’t dream of leaving it on sucking power all night) and types his 10-character password to log on.  Bob was the first in the department to have a flat-screen. Since he was sure he was sensitive to something about the CRTs, he had early-adopted the LCD screen when it first hit the market (at a premium price, of course).  When … Read More → "Buzzword Bob"

A New Analog Golden Age?

Of course analog engineers themselves had a different view. Increasingly they saw EDA tools bring automation to digital circuit design, particularly in layout. They, on the other hand, still had to design by hand and by intellect, since they were dealing with much more complex issues than a stream of zeroes and ones, highs and lows. And, unlike for digital, there was only a handful of universities providing training in analog technologies.

Sometime at the end of the twentieth century, things started to change. Suddenly analog and mixed signal started getting above itself. Handheld consumer devices, like … Read More → "A New Analog Golden Age?"

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Feb 27, 2025
I'll be presenting at the Embedded Online Conference (EOC), which will take place 12-16 May 2025...