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Get to Work in 10 Minutes

Complete kits, popular software, and meaningful examples speed the evaluation and development of Stellaris 32-bit Microcontrollers for real applications.

Author:  Jean Ann Booth, Director of WW Stellaris Marketing and Customer-Facing Engineering, Texas Instruments

Sue Cozart, Applications Engineer, Texas Instruments

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AM1810 ARM Microprocessor For PROFIBUS

AM1810 is a Low-power industrial applications processor based on ARM926EJ-S™ that is specifically targeted for Profibus applications.

The device enables OEMs and ODMs to quickly bring to market devices featuring robust operating systems support, rich user interfaces, and high processing performance life through the maximum flexibility of a fully integrated mixed processor solution.

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MSP430x5xx/MSP430x6xx Family

Meet TI’s latest addition to the embedded systems microcontroller portfolio — the MSP430F5xx generation of microcontrollers. These ultra-low-power devices will provide designers with enhanced performance and increased design options with new and innovative peripherals on chips, which have more memory and integrated capabilities, while using less power than ever before. 

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Modeling System Signal Integrity Uncertainty Considerations

This white paper describes signal integrity mechanisms that cause system-level timing uncertainty and how these mechanisms are modeled in the Quartus II TimeQuest Timing Analyzer for timing closure for external memory interface designs. By using the Quartus II development software v.9.1 and later to achieve timing closure for external memory interfaces, a designer does not need to allocate a separate SI timing budget to account for simultaneous switching output, simultaneous switching input, intersymbol interference, and board-level crosstalk for Altera flip-chip device families such as Stratix IV and Arria … Read More → "Modeling System Signal Integrity Uncertainty Considerations"

3 Ways to Quickly Adapt to Changing Ethernet Protocols

Can you quickly adapt your designs to changing Industrial Ethernet protocols? Are you meeting growing performance needs? Watch this video to see how the Industrial Networking Kit and flexible, low-power FPGAs can help you meet these challenges in embedded industrial applications.

In this 10-minute video, you’ll discover three ways to quickly adapt to evolving Ethernet protocols:

featured blogs
Feb 27, 2025
I'll be presenting at the Embedded Online Conference (EOC), which will take place 12-16 May 2025...