Today’s complex, high-pin-count FPGAs present a special problem for board designers as issues of timing, routability, cost, and signal integrity can defeat old-school “over the wall” design flows.
In this Chalk Talk, I chat with Hemant Shah of Cadence about about bridging the gap between FPGA design and PCB design.
We’ll discuss how new technology from Cadence can address these problems, simplifying FPGA-PCB co-design, reducing schedules, and decreasing cost. Also, remember to click the paper clip on the viewer so you can download a wealth of information that supports this webcast including a feature story, press release, product datasheet, whitepaper, a blog, as well as an upcoming live demo and webinar.
Speaker: Hemant Shah is the Product Marketing Director for High-Speed Products at Cadence. He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a M.S. in Computer Science.